How we help funds

With Murano, managers waste less time and energy identifying investors, allowing them to focus on meaningful dialogue and good quality referrals. Murano helps funds to get noticed in an extemely competitive market. […]

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How we do it

Our fund clients receive qualified referrals to make contact with each week. These investors have expressed an interest in their fund type. The cold calling and pre-screening have been done by us, providing our clients with warm referrals. […]

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We are the only matchmaker in this industry. The service is not an automated algorithm, we operate on the foundation of relationships. We don’t actively sell or market the funds. We call and listen to investor needs and match them with our fund clients’ characteristics. Investors are only connected with relevant funds, helping them with […]

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We are in regular contact with thousands of investors globally and have over 200 meaningful allocator conversations a day. We know what investors are looking for and, more importantly, when. Our fund clients benefit from a saving in prospecting time, contacting investors at the opportune moment. […]

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